Posted by William | Posted in | Posted on 9:31 PM

Wake up, go to work, study, playing game, then sleep again . . . . . . . . .

Every day I do these activities exactly the same . . .
But that's life . . .
Life that I should live until I graduate from my college . . .
On this moment, as I like to continue updating my blog, I would like to share something bout me . .
I think my life was getting worse bcoz of PC games . . . T_T
All my days, I spent in front of my laptop just for playing game . . .
Did u guys know or ever hear about the game 3 Kingdoms Online ?
I was addicted of this game since my friend introduced it to me . . .
I spent my time, my internet and my energy on this game . . .
I could say that my laptop always turned on 24 hours during lebaran holidays . . .
And now, I have reached level 122 since I played in the second server only for 1 month. . . =P
Times go so fast for me bcoz I enjoy my activities so much although I knew that it was actually just wasting my time and it was almost useless for future . . .

Talking about my college . . .
Right now, I am in Semester 4, which I think it's getting more challenging bcoz most of the subjects are projects . . . It is better than having final exams so that I have to memorize and memorize again . . .LOL!

Talking about my works . . .
I got 1 workmate again, he is my junior of IT students . . .
His name is Beradone and I think he is a hardworker and good for us too. . .
He can make our works easier for the future . . .
Another things about my works, I think until today, everything goes fine . . .

Talking about my love story . . .
I just can say it's getting complicated . . . huffff . . .
Won't tell it in here but maybe sometimes later in next of my posts . . .
Juz hope for the best for it and let it flow by the time . . .

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