Exam is OVER!!

Posted by William | Posted in | Posted on 10:37 AM

Finally!! I have just finished my second semester exam at college. I wish all the results will be good so that I can reached high GPA for this semester. ^^

I would like to share to all of you about my days in having these exams. Would you like to know? If yes, just read it!

My exam was start from 12 April until 16 April, that means I've just passed them all..he3x..
As I am an IT major student, all of you might think that I'll having exam in front of computer but that's wrong. It's so pity that I still did the exam on the paper...

On the first day, I took English exam, actually I prepared it well enough by studying the vocabulary and reading from the books but it was all no use because what I've studied for are not taken out in the the exam...so sad....It came out with another reading passage with 5 multiple choices questions which were very confusing me (really worry of the result)..ha3..and in the next page, it was given a short passage which told me to read it and summarize it more than 150 words. I thought it was easy but after I read the passage, I didn't know what I must write, really confused so I just copied some words in the passage and added some words that came out from my mind..ha3..First day exam was still secured...

Go to the second day, I did Operating System which make me reading all pages of the book..ha3..because the questions will be in multiple choices and essays so I couldn't relax and I keep worry how the questions will be..But when I was having the exams I was so glad that the questions were not so difficult and I thought that I could get great result for this lesson...

Next, on the third day, it was SAD exam but SAD in here doesn't mean not happy but System Analyst and Design..ha3x...My class was so worried of this lesson because in the daily lesson before the exam, all of us even don't take attention to the teacher. Until when we would have the exam, everybody became so horrified and always said "SAD lesson really makes me sad.. T_T"
ha3...And that's right, after the exam, all of my friends' face became sad, yeahh I think it was a difficult exam because it pushed our mind to think how to draw DFD (Data Flow Diagram) and ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram) which both of these really make us worrying of the results. Me too as well, just can hope for the best....(Mr. William, my lecturer of SAD who has the same name with me.ha3x...please give us additional mark, the exam was so difficult)

Forth day of the exam, it was Computer Math exam. First I thought it might be the worst and most difficult exam for me, it also made me to have an appointment with some of my friends to come to college faster and taught me. Fortunately, my friends were nice and taught me well..ha3x..In the exam, I was really surprised that the questions were very easy and not like the mid test one. I was really glad that I could do all of them but I also did some mistaken...argghhhh..really regret for that but totally I've done the best for this math..

Last day, the killing subject..ha3x..I believe all of my classmates would agree with my statement. It was C Programming exam. We usually do and practice this coding in front of computer and in the exam, we should write on the paper.OMG!
All of us were busy making a small copy cheating paper.ha3x...but when in the exam, 5 questions and it came out more difficult than what we expected before exam. All of us felt resignedly and said good bye for the exam.ha3x...And actually I did all the questions but I didn''t know whether my answers were wrong or correct, really worried....I just can hope for the kindness from my lecturer, Mr. Rezeki..ha3x...help us Sir!! :p

I think that's all I can share about my semester 2 exam and guys, wish me luck, okay? ha3x..thanks for reading my blog...

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